The Department of Cytopathology is certified by ISO9001:2000 since 2006 (click here for certification, click here for certification in Greek), nowadays the department is certified by ISO9001:2008 (click here for certification)

Additionally we are preparing for accreditation (ISO15189) for the following schemes:

WHO HPV LabNet for HPV subtyping (2011 scheme successfully passed, 2013 scheme successfully passed, 2014-15 successful participation )

ESP EQA scheme for KRAS (2011 scheme successfully passed, 2012 scheme successfully passed, 2013 scheme successfully passed, 2015 N/A)

ESP Colon EQA scheme to evaluate the reliability of the analysis of KRAS, NRAS and BRAF testing including correct identification of the presence and type of mutations and the writing of a report. This is a new scheme replacing ESP EQA scheme for KRAS. The lab participates since 2013 (2013 scheme successfully passed2014-15 successfully passed, 2016 successfully passed)

ESP Lung EQA scheme to evaluate the reliability of examinations related to EGFR and KRAS mutations and translocation of ALK (methods: FISH TMA and FISH Digital) in NSCLC (2013 scheme successfully passed, 2014 for EGFR ,2015 for ALK, 2016 for ALK, 2016 for EGFR)


The Department of Cytopathology applies speciliased tests on cytological material as well as consulting and diagnosis services via submitted specimens and telecytologically.

The Department of Cytopathology has the following software products:

1. CytoTrainer is an e-Learning platform in Greek and English language: Is a free Internet platform (registration required) for specialised or under specialisation cytopathologists, the training material is based on liquid based cytology and the organisation is on a per organ basis. For registration in the Greek version of CytoTrainer clik here, for the English vesrion of this platform click here.

2. An Internet based platform  for the workflow management of population based screening projects for cervical cancer prevention. This plaform is operational and nowadays is deployed and used in daily routine. This platform can support a multilingual user inteface.

The Department of Cytopathology provides medical examination services and has numerous partnerships additionally there are developoed software products specialised for cytological applications.


