
  • Magdalini Stamataki, Cytopathologist
  • Dionisios Anoinos, Cytopathologist
  • Niki Margari, Cytopathologist, PhD
  • Christos Meristoudis, Cytopathologist
  • Abraham Pouliakis, Physicist in Electronics and Radiocommunications, MSc, PhD
  • Serafeim Tsoukos, Physicist, MSc, PhD
  • Alexander Kateris, Physicist, MSc, PhD
  • Nikos Stergiou, Computer Engineer, PhD

Examinations - Techniques

  • We use the Pathsight/Fairfield system for image transmission to provide telediagnosis and consulting in remote locations.
  • The Department of Cytopathology has developed a bilingual (English and Greek) eLearning platform, with special features for cytopathologists. You may access this system in the following URL (in English)

Research Activities

  • The effects of image compression in telecytology
  • The effects of image compression in cellular morphometry
  • Data bases and systems for the management of cytopathology laboratories
  • Application of artificial intelligence techniques in compressed images and the effects of image compression in machine learning