
Aris Spathis, Biologist, PhD

Antonia Mourtzikou, Biochemicist

Amalia Stamoulakatou, Cytotechnologist

Kiriaki Konstantinidou, Cytotechnologist

Examinations - Techniques

  • Cytochemical and immunocytochemical analysis of cytological smears indicators for malignancy determination, tumor origin and treatment
  • Immunofluorescence detection of protein markers for bladder cancer detection
  • Detection and quantification of proteins with luminex technique

Research Activities

  • Prototyping and standardisation of immunocytochemical techniques in liquid phase cytology smears
  • Prototyping and standardisation of immunohistochemical techniques in paraffin embeded cytological material using the automated Cellient system
  • Investigation of immune response and inflammation markers for the management of patients with atherosclerotic disease, coronary heart disease and diabetes